Coronation Grade 5 Gifted

May Classroom Updates

May 18, 2011: The field trip tomorrow is primarily outdoors with a good amount of walking. Please send your child with clothing to protect against mud and rain. A few days ago, we made Oobleck in class- it was a hit! To make it at home, simply combine corn starch and water to create a non-newtonian fluid. Mix it until it has the consistency of mayo. The youtube section of the website has been updated.
May 16, 2011: Math test re-scheduled to this Wednesday, Field trip this Thursday, Jump Rope for Heart this Friday (please bring $2)
May 10, 2011: Math test on Friday (area and perimeter)
May 9, 2011: Permission form for active Fridays and Track and Field were sent home, please review and return
May 4, 2011: The math test, CASI reading assessment, poetry analysis and science projects have all been returned. Please ask your child to share their results with you. Important dates for May have been updated, please click on the "May 2011" tab.
May 2, 2011: A reminder- our trip for Racing Against Drugs is this Friday. We are still looking for parent volunteers for our trip to Racing Against Drugs. If you are available, please send in the form with your student. Thank you to all the parents and neighbours who donated money for our Dance-A-Thon! The amount of students that collected money and the total money that was brought in was very impressive. This money will go into purchasing much needed instructional technology for our classrooms. Thank you for your support! Please note that our trip to the Evergreen Brickworks is on May 19.