Coronation Grade 5 Gifted

March Updates

Thursday, March 31, 2011: We are continuing our study of the multiplication tables. Thanks to all the parents I've been hearing about that have been drilling and practicing with their kids! I'm seeing some real improvement in their speed of recall and their accuracy. We will discuss two digit multiplication soon. We are also studying Rome, and there are plenty of great websites available that students can look at while they are at home. I am still waiting for some IPRC forms to come in. Please send your child to school tomorrow with the form if you have not already done so.
Monday, March 28, 2011: April Scholastic has gone home. This is due at the end of April.
*The Character Assembly will be at 10:30am on Thursday. Parents are welcome to attend. 
*Please continue to practice the multiplication tables with your child at home, this will really help them with our math unit. I have posted a website under the "Games" section of the website that the students can visit to help them with this. 
*If you have not already, please bring in the IPRC form that was sent home last week. The SERT office is still waiting for the forms to be returned. 
*Please bring a shirt you don't mind getting dirty to class on Wednesday. We will be using a small amount of non-washable paint for an art project.    
*We will be taking a class trip on May 19, 2011 to the Brickworks in Toronto. We will be studying energy forms and energy conservation. I will send home the permission form soon, the cost of the trip is $5.00 per student. If you are available to be a parent volunteer for this trip, please indicate this on the permission form. Thank you!
Friday, March 25, 2011: We celebrated Earth Day in the classroom today. Don't forget to turn out your lights at 8:30-9:30 on Saturday for Earth Hour.
Thursday, March 24, 2011: Congratulations to IH, JW and KH for winning this month's character award for Integrity. if you would like to attend, the assembly will be next Thursday at 10:30am.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011: We have started a new unit on multiplication and division. Many of the students struggle with their multiplication tables. I will be reviewing this in class, but if you could quiz your child at home on their times tables, it would really be beneficial when we move on to 2 digit multiplication and 2 and 3 digit long division. Thanks!
Thursday, March 10, 2011: This is a note for both parents and students. I spoke about this in class today, but I wanted everyone to know how impressed I was to find out how well behaved everyone in the class was while I was away. I heard glowing reviews from the teachers that were in my room. Every teacher was so impressed with how well the students stayed on task and how much maturity they showed. Congratulations on being 'that class'!! After the March break, we are introducing a guest into our classroom, Ms. Cook. She is a teacher from UOIT who we are excited to welcome into our room.
Have a safe and happy March break!
Monday, March 7, 2011: I will be away at the Claremont Outdoor Education Center from Monday to Wednesday. Students will have a math test on Monday morning and are expected to be working on their independent science and math project for the remaining time. This project is due on Thursday. Students were given the outline last Thursday.